Local and Cloud-Based Data Backup

Ransomware, viruses, malware, data corruption, and other horrible intrusions into our digital life are all too common these days and are only growing in their frequency and ruthlessness. Save yourself the horror of data loss due to these intrusions by setting up a comprehensive backup of the data you value. We have experience in data backups from small home users up to larger businesses but data backup itself doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Sometimes a local rotational backup is all that is needed for data storage and sometimes we need to implement a more comprehensive solution like a dedicated cloud backup solution. Whatever solution works best for you, here are the benefits to each. Local dedicated backup:

  • A cheap and easy solution to data backup
  • Fast and works without a good internet connection
  • Truly offline if you have privacy concerns
  • Fast restoration of data when needed

Cloud based solution:

  • Offsite location. If your building burns down your data is still retrievable
  • Historical backups allow you to get different versions of the same file
  • Data is never lost and is protected by guarantees from the provider

No matter which solution you consider to be best for you, the experts at Wilson Technology Group can help to ensure you are getting the most comprehensive backup solution available that fits your needs.

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